
Showing posts from 2018

Recommended Summer 2018 Reading by English Faculty

Michael Berthold: I’ve been teaching Octavia Butler’s  Kindred  for a number of years and look forward this summer to reading through the rest of her fiction. Butler visited Villanova back in 2002, and a number of the English faculty had the opportunity to lunch with her! Joe Drury: Here are the books I'm planning to read this summer: Jenny Erpenbeck,  Go, Went, Gone  - much feted contemporary German author. I've been told the novel to read if you want to begin to understand the current European refugee crisis. Cixin Liu,  The Three-Body Problem  - my sci-fi read for the summer, am told it will blow my mind. Preti Taneja, We That Are Young - highly acclaimed new novel about 21st century India, written by someone I worked with briefly in the grim period between college and grad school. Travis Foster: First up, a page-turner of a memoir that addresses rural white poverty far better than the aw-shucks punditry of  Hillbilly Elegy ...